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Executive Committee Officers:

PRESIDENT duties include:

  • Being responsible for all activities of the Association, (including corresponding with the web designer with major changes to the official LCRA webpage).
  • Programing activities to accomplish the objectives of the Association in accordance with the By-Laws.
  • Presiding at all business meetings when present.
  • Serving as the state liaison with the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) and shall report to LCRA membership on meetings and activities of both organizations.
  • Delegating responsibilities for any programs at his/her discretion if outside the realm of the Executive Committee or standing committees.
  • Issuing a report to the membership upon completion of the term of office.

VICE PRESIDENT duties include:

  • Assuming the duties of the President in his/her absence.
  • Completing the unexpired term of the President in the event of a vacancy.
  • Assisting the President in carrying out his/her duties.

SECRETARY duties include:

  • Keeping a record of all proceedings of the Association and sending a copy to the Executive Committee.
  • Keeping on file all reports of committees and officers.
  • Keeping a copy of the official roster provided by the Treasurer and calling the roll when required.
  • Preparing attendance sign-in sheets for meetings and keeping attendance records.
  • Having on hand at each meeting a list of all existing committees and their members.
  • Recording the minutes of all meetings, sending copies of the minutes to the membership, and keeping the minutes on file.
  • Preparing an order of business for the presiding officer of each regular meeting.
  • Conducting the general correspondence of the Association.
  • Submitting proposed amendments to the By-Laws in writing to the voting membership if a By-Laws Committee has not been charged with this duty, and notify the membership of new or amended Standing Rules adopted by the Executive Committee.
  • Verifying the results of association elections as submitted by the Nominating Chair.
  • Issuing a report of activities and current status to the incoming Secretary upon completion of the term of office.

TREASURER duties include:

  • Being responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Association.
  • Issuing receipts for all funds collected at meetings.
  • Keeping an accurate record of all financial transactions.
  • Giving reports of financial standing at each meeting of the Association.
  • Issuing a detailed financial report to the membership regarding annual meeting expenses.
  • Providing new members with:
    • web access to the By-Laws and Standing Rules (through a welcome e-mail and/or memo with LCRA website information, direction to review bylaws and standing rules, and providing the sign-on and password for LCRA “members only” section)
    • a receipt for dues paid
  • Providing renewing members with:
    • a copy of the By-Laws and Standing Rules if significant changes have been made during the past year.
    • a receipt for dues paid.
  • Maintaining and providing updated/revised membership roster to executive committee members and standing committee chairs and also to the public relations chair to be updated on the LCRA website annually.
  • Issuing a report of activities and current status to the incoming Treasurer upon completion of the term of office.

Sub-Committee Chairs:


The Bylaws Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee and members appointed by the Chair may be established and charged with specific responsibilities.
Purpose: To guide the membership through bylaws revisions and changes.
Bylaws Committee Chair duties include:

  • Assisting the secretary in collecting proposed amendments from the membership.
  • Drafting the proposed changes to be distributed to the membership.
  • Assisting in setting up electronic voting for bylaws amendments.
  • Reporting voting outcomes to the membership at the annual business meeting.
  • Completing bylaws revisions based upon final decisions of passing amendments.
  • Submitting a report from the Chair to the Secretary after the term of office.


The Public Relations/Website Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee and two members selected by the Chair.
Public Relations/Website Committee Chair duties include:

  • Submit any publicity of the Association.
  • Issuing a Newsbreak periodically as needed to be approved by the executive committee.
  • Assisting the executive committee with updating/maintaining the different sections of the official LCRA web page.
  • Publicizing all meetings to members and non-members via newsbreak, emails/appropriate publications, and by other means.
  • Specific items designated to be under the committee’s care may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
  • Creating, maintaining, and displaying new documents of any historical nature which would be of interest to the members, including meeting compendiums and rosters of former officers. *Other specific items may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
  • Submitting reports from the Chair to the Secretary after the term of office.


The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee and two members selected by the Chair. This committee shall be responsible for conducting all association elections.
Nominating Committee Chair duties include:

  • Conducting all facets of elections.
  • Verifying eligibility and obtaining written (preferably) or verbal consent of prospective candidates.
  • Preparing ballots containing a biographical sketch of each candidate before sending them to members for voting.
  • Counting ballots and sending results via email or fax to the current secretary for verification, then reporting results to the membership one month before the annual meeting.
  • Notifying members included in the ballot of the voting results as well as notifying the entire membership of results.
  • Announcing/introducing elected officers at the annual meeting.
  • Submitting reports from the Chair to the Secretary upon completion of the term of office.


The April Fritz Distinguished Member Award Committee (DMAC) shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee and four other members selected by the Executive Committee and the Standing Committee Chairs. The Distinguished Member is chosen by the DMAC Chair using the nominations sent in from LCRA Members.
Distinguished Member Award Committee Chair duties include:

  • Distribution of Call for Nominee Forms to membership in June of the given award period.
  • Verifying each candidate as an active member with the LCRA Membership Chair.
  • Reviewing nominations to ensure eligibility requirements have been met.
  • Setting up online voting, so that members can vote for the DMA recipient by majority vote.
  • Awarding the recipient of the DMA at the fall conference.
  • Keeping a disc/electronic copy of all Distinguished Member Award nomination forms, membership forms, and online voting results.
  • Submitting reports from the Chair to the Secretary upon completion of the term of office.


The Education Committee & Mentor Program shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee. The Committee Chair shall appoint members as needed to administer the scholarship and/or mentor programs.
Purpose: To define the educational needs of the Association, establish goals to meet those needs, and develop educational programs to achieve those goals.
Education Committee & Mentor Program Chair duties include:

  • Directing all educational activities of the Association, including:
    • Maintain a listing of study assistance programs available for members preparing for the CTR exam.
    • Educational workshops and seminars held in addition to the annual meetings.
    • Maintain and update the education section of the LCRA official web page.
  • Keeping a disc of the Scholarship for CTR exam form.
  • Establishing and conducting the scholarship program for providing members with a stipend to take the CTR exam.
  • Assisting in the coordination of topics for the annual meeting and other LCRA conferences and workshops to provide consistency with meeting themes and to avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Assisting the Planning Committee and Executive Committee in the preparation and submission of the NCRA program recognition application.
  • Seeking approval from the National Cancer Registrars Association of CE hours for all qualifying programs offered by LCRA.


The History Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Committee and members selected by the Chair.
History Committee Chair duties include:

  • Maintaining existing scrapbooks and other historical items for display to the members.
  • Providing a photographic record of all meetings, conferences, and other events of the organization.
  • Maintaining and displaying non-photographic memorabilia.
  • Submitting a report from the Chair to the Secretary after the term of office.